And we are back with another installment in our Fantastic Short Film Friday series, as we continue to showcase films released in the "lesser" known form of cinema- the short film.
Its that time again, the end of another year and the beginning of hopefully an even better one. As 2011 draws to a close, I think it's important (at least for film fans) to look back on the year of cinema and take it all in. Each year, each decade, for me is defined by the films released. Like music, film is able to express the cultural climate of the world at the time and for me no year would be complete without this short. Now it's not a short per se but a collection of scenes from the films of 2011, excellently edited and put to music. Here is a 8-minute look back on the year in film called, Cinema 2011 beautifully put together by Kees van Dijkhuizen. He's been putting together these best of the year videos since 2008 and for me this is his best one yet.
What's fun about these kind of videos is trying to place every scene, every quick clip, quick edit that flies by with the particular movie its from. You know you watch too many movies when you can place every 3 second clip because you've seen all the films mentioned. For me, 2011 was a good year in films, maybe not the best year but the high's were extremely high. The year of 2011 saw my favorite director release a film that was his biggest box office success after over 40 years in the game, a indie meditative action film with a killer soundtrack about a driver, comicbook heroes take over the silver screen like never before from super soldiers to mythological gods to mutants, a gross out comedy blockbuster for females, a Swedish modern day classic gets remade by an American auteur, another old-school film director direct his first all-ages film about the beauty and love of cinema and much much more. It was a good year to be a film fan and I cannot wait to see what films will shape the new year.
Check this out if you watch a lot of movies and want a visual reminder of the year in film. Check this out if you didn't get a chance to watch a lot of movies in 2011 and want to see what's been missing in your life. Enjoy this weeks dose of short form goodness in, Cinema 2011.