I read a lot, or at least I try to. I know I'm a dying bread, the man obsessed with books, who loves being surrounded by books, e-readers be damned. I get it. None of my friends read. Penny thankfully does. But I do get it. In this fast paced world of moving images, trips around the world in hours and connectivity at your finger tips, who wants to take the time to read? Who wants to sit still hours on end and just read words on a page? Well for me, I've been reading all my life, studied literature in college, and well years later I'm still reading, just now surrounded by more paper. What does this all mean? Not much really, but I wanted to express that as much as I love films (and god I do), I love books just as much. That's why I read so many of the books turned into movies and review movies n contrast to their original source material. So yeah, I love books, movies, and oh yeah, zombies. Here's something that unites the three.
I Am a Zombie Filled With Love is a short story by Issac Marion, a first person point of view from a zombie who falls in love during the inevitable zombie apocalypse. It's humorously dark, gross and charming- all things I find genuinely amusing. Anyway, the short story is being turned into a book called Warm Bodies and it's the book that looks like it's going to be turned into a movie with director Jonathan Levine (of The Wackness and All the Boys Love Mandy Lane fame) at the helm. It's still too early in development, but I hope this film does finally hit the silver screen. A Zombie love story told from the point of view of a zombie, warts, guts and flesh eating faces all. Seriously, what more could anyone ask for?
I cannot wait until Warm Bodies finally hits bookstores, but until then check out the short story, I Am A Zombie Filled With Love.
Also check out the Warm Bodies book trailer created by author Isaac Marion. Enjoy.
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